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Panel discussion LogiMAT 2023 – Quo Vadis, mobile robotics! Meet Marco Bernstein there

Schriftzug Mobile Robotic Community auf schwarzem Hintergrund.
At LogiMat Stuttgart on Wednesday 26 April 2023 13 - 13.50 h in the Atrium East Entrance

The panel discussion will focus on future impulses from the VDI Expert Committee AGV – Quo Vadis, whose top-class industry representatives will be giving their thoughts on the future of AGV and AMR.

Questions for discussion:

  • What knowledge is needed in this professional field.
  • What specific training courses are currently available and how well do they fit the requirements for mobile robotics.
  • How can the “still small” sector of mobile robotics, in the industrial environment, deal with the problem of the shortage of skilled workers?
  • In relation to this content, the aim is to discuss tailor-made training occupations/study courses/etc. training occupations/study courses/etc. What do these look like and who can offer them?

Moderated by Dr. Ing Günter Ullrich with Thomas Albrecht, Head of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) at Frauenhofer IML and Marco Bernstein, Head of Partner Management at ProLog Automation, we invite you to meet us there!

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