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FTS Expert Opinions: Sound assessment for safe and compliant systems

We offer independent expert opinions on safety assessment, defect identification and conformity testing of your systems in accordance with the applicable regulations and the current state of the art.

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FTS-Experte Markus Zipper im Büro

Your Contact Person

Markus Zipper

AGV Expert Opinion

Erstellung eines FTS Gutachtens

Our services include the preparation of independent expert opinion on the operational and machine safety of existing machines and systems.

We assess the design for possible deficiencies in the structural design and its compliance with the current state of the art and the applicable regulations.

The inventory is carried out independently, including detailed documentation.
The results are then presented to the customer and evaluated together.

Expert Opinion

Our claim and your added value for your AGV system:

Increased safety
Independent expert reports and detailed assessments of operational and machine safety identify potential hazards at an early stage.
As a result, measures can be taken to prevent expensive breakdowns and safety incidents and save costs in the long term.

Technical conformity
The assessment of the design and construction in accordance with the current state of the art and applicable regulations ensures that machines and systems comply with regulations and are future-proof.
This minimizes the need for costly improvements and adjustments in the future.

Increasing efficiency
The inventory and comprehensive documentation of results provide precise data and clear recommendations.
These enable well-founded decisions to optimize the systems, which increases efficiency in the long term.

Ziel der FTS Maßnahme

Aim of the measure

An independent assessment of the safety and operating standards of your machines and systems in accordance with AGV specifications.
We identify deficiencies in the design, check compliance with current technical standards and regulations and provide you with detailed, documented results as well as specific recommendations for optimization.

Your advantages
Risk & insurance

Independent expert reports identify safety risks and defects at an early stage, which prevents costly breakdowns and safety incidents.

Cost savings

Checking for compliance with regulations prevents rework costs and legal risks.

Increase asset value

Detailed documentation and clear recommendations optimize your machines and extend their service life.

Individual FTS Expert Opinion

You did not find the right offer? Then please contact us. Our experts will calculate your model with you.

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