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AGV conformity assessment: Ensuring compliance with regulations and quality standards

We ensure that your products comply with all current AGV regulations through comprehensive testing and evaluation.

Idea / Concept
Contract award
Final Inspection
FTS-Experte Markus Zipper im Büro

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Markus Zipper

AGV Conformity Assessment

Geschäftsführer der ProLog Automation Markus Zipper

We offer precise verification of product conformity in accordance with current regulations.

We check both the product design and the associated technical documentation for compliance with the relevant regulations, such as the Machinery Directive and the AGV standard.
The results are documented, presented and evaluated together with the customer.

Conformity assessment

Your added value:

Compliance with standards
By ensuring compliance with current AGV regulations and product standards, we minimize legal risks and avoid costly rework.

Reduction of errors
Checking the product design and documentation identifies potential errors at an early stage, thus avoiding expensive rework and delays.

Efficient decision-making
The detailed documentation of results and presentation of findings enable clear decisions and promote cost-effective measures to improve product quality and compliance.

Ziel der FTS Maßnahme

Aim of the measure

The aim of the conformity assessment for your AGV systems is to ensure that all AGV-specific regulations and standards are complied with and that the associated technical documentation meets the requirements in order to minimize legal risks and guarantee the quality of your products.

Your advantages

Risk minimization

Avoid legal risks and reworking through thorough conformity checks.

Cost savings

Prevent expensive rework and delays by detecting errors at an early stage.

Plant safety

Extend the service life and reduce downtimes of your automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) through careful inspection.

Individual AGV conformity assessment

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